Wall Calendar
Every year, Habari Media creates a bespoke calendar highlighting twelve industry leaders who are doing great work in the media industry. The Habari media calendar therefore needed to play up the strengths of each individual within one single-minded theme. This year, the concept “Geek Gods” was settled on. This is a play on the god-like talents that each individual has, playing up their prowess and intelligence, and deifying their position in the media industry.
The metaphor of Geek God and Geek Goddess extended into the execution, graphics and writing. Through research and the use of interviews, the facts, interests and details of each media personality were analyzed and interpreted and finally translated into representing each individual as a new ‘Geek God or Goddess’. From The Goddess of Composure to The God of Analysis, each character was represented as a God of something, which played up their strength and showed their true and unique colours.
The calendar itself includes an accurate lunar calendar (Greek calendars are developed around lunar calendars) and is constructed with reference to a sun dial. The dial is intended to be used as a marker for each date which can be moved around manually.
The Calendar is encapsulated within an engraved Perspex plates that emulate the stone engravings of Greek tablets while the individual month cards were letterpressed to mimicking greek relief sculture. The illustration style is inspired by the flat, graphic artwork of ancient greek art works, of which many were representative of deities, gods and goddesses.
Creative Directors: Jake Bester, Gareth McPherson
Design Director: Dani Loureiro
Illustrators: Dani Loureiro, Andrew Ringrose
Writer: Gisele Human

Engraved detail

Letterpressed Cards

Letterpress Plates

Letterpress Plates

Letterpress Plates

Various Month Cards- illustrated by Dani Loureiro and Andrew Ringrose